Jay Ambe Hospital
Jay Ambe hospital was built with 172 beds in 2012 to serve the local population free of charge.
It is open seven days a week and offers following services:
- ICU (Intensive Care Unit)
- General Surgery
- Pediatrics (with Pediatric and Neonatal ICUs)
- 24 Hour Emergency Department
- Ophthalmology
- Dentistry
- Gynecology
- Orthopedics
- Physiotherapy
- 24 Hour Pharmacy
- 24 Hour Ambulance Service
- Laboratory and X-Ray machines on-site
There are 120 staff members employed by the Hospital including 40 nurses, 8 resident and 5 visiting doctors/surgeons, 8 medical officers, 6 laboratory workers, 5 pharmacists and 1 physiotherapist. The staff is looked after with accommodation provided for them as well as good schooling for their children at very high performing Gujarati and English medium schools. This is coherent with Brahmanand’s mission mantra for sustainable development, with the lives and wellbeing of all people being at the core of this.
Many people in India are reluctant to seek medical attention for easily curable ailments due to a potential loss to earnings caused by prolonged hospitalisation. The most common operation at the Jay Ambe Hospital is cyst removal surgery, which can take place in a matter of minutes, with most patients able to leave the same day.
The gynecology department at Jay Ambe Hospital has received recognition in the media for its low caesarean birth rate. The resident gynecologist has managed to perform natural births in cases where many other doctors would have resorted to surgery which is dangerous for mothers.
Flu infections and fractures regularly occur and have major negative impacts on the population. With the informal labour market that exists across large swathes of India, most are not blessed with a regular fixed income and must work to earn their living on a day-to-day basis. Even a single day’s loss of earnings could throw families living on the edge of poverty into a self-perpetuating downward spiral. Without the Hospital providing care free of charge, it is beyond doubt that many of the local population would face extreme hardship, unable to pay extortionate medical bills.
Flu infections and fractures regularly occur and have major negative impacts on the population. With the informal labour market that exists across large swathes of India, most are not blessed with a regular fixed income and must work to earn their living on a day-to-day basis. Even a single day’s loss of earnings could throw families living on the edge of poverty into a self-perpetuating downward spiral. Without the Hospital providing care free of charge, it is beyond doubt that many of the local population would face extreme hardship, unable to pay extortionate medical bills.
The hospital regularly plays host to visiting doctors/surgeons. Every week the hospital is visited by ENT (ear, nose and throat) specialists and dermatologists as well as general and orthopedic surgeons. Furthermore, camps are regularly held at the hospital where teams of specialists arrive from all over India and beyond, using their wealth of expertise to provide the best care possible to the patients of the hospital. A team from Ahmedabad visits four times every year, bringing with them their specialist equipment and medicines that are distributed at no cost. Recently acupuncture specialists came to the hospital and notably a group of doctors from the United States of America. This ability to draw experts from all over the world with the continuing support of the doctors at the hospital itself is crucial to continuing and enhancing the reputation of the hospital as a center of excellence.
The hospital regularly plays host to visiting doctors/surgeons. Every week the hospital is visited by ENT (ear, nose and throat) specialists and dermatologists as well as general and orthopedic surgeons. Furthermore, camps are regularly held at the hospital where teams of specialists arrive from all over India and beyond, using their wealth of expertise to provide the best care possible to the patients of the hospital. A team from Ahmedabad visits four times every year, bringing with them their specialist equipment and medicines that are distributed at no cost. Recently acupuncture specialists came to the hospital and notably a group of doctors from the United States of America. This ability to draw experts from all over the world with the continuing support of the doctors at the hospital itself is crucial to continuing and enhancing the reputation of the hospital as a center of excellence.
The laboratory is based in the hospital itself, so instead of samples being sent elsewhere for analysis, this saves time in accessing urgent test results for patients. This allows the doctors to provide the highest level of care as fast as possible.
This care, including the lab tests which can be some of the costliest aspects of hospital care, are provided free of charge. The only expense born by the patients is the cost of drugs. In cases with the very poorest patients, these costs are subsidised.
Alongside high-quality medical care, the hospital aims to provide a sanctuary for families. Free hot meals – on average 250 for breakfast, 950 for lunch & 300 for dinner are provided free of charge throughout the day, where staff and family members sit down and eat together. This enhances the sense of community.
Brahmanad Mission has made the project that we see taking place in Chaparda sustainable. It is a prime example of horizontal development. it has realised that to really improve the quality of peoples’ lives and make a real difference you must address all the issues that they face rather than simply attempting to tackle one at a time because they are all intricately intertwined. With the setting up of a nursing college, the development will be able to provide nurses as per the hospitals requirements as it expands in the future. Furthermore, the schools that are a vital part of the sustainable development aspect of the project provide a high-quality education which allows the hospital to recruit doctors to the area with the promise of good schooling for their children. Without this it is unlikely that we would see the fantastic doctors we have working in the Jay Ambe hospital.
Continuing with the theme of sustainability, the mission has realised that increasing health awareness is the key to long term improvement in peoples’ lives. To avoid the problems such as flu, and more broadly the spread of infection they must be educated properly about sanitation. it has set out on a mission to educate the people of Junagadh district through it’s Anand Dhara Project. Anand Dhara is a project to rejuvenate the villages and using a mobile van for its educational part of the project, it travels around villages with information on how to limit the spread of infection and how to treat simple ailments.
Despite the current success that this entire project is enjoying, the mission is not yet satisfied; it wants to continue expanding the hospital and beyond that the health initiative that it has begun. In the future there are plans to open cancer wards in the hospital, as well as provide dialysis treatment for those with limited kidney function. This is all with the aim of creating a hospital which can care for all illnesses such that there is no need to refer patients to other hospitals where they are laden with unaffordable charges synonymous with these care centres.
The health project taking place in Junagadh district has been inspired by one of Pujya bapu’s fundamental philosophies:
‘Jiv seva, eej seva che’
‘Caring for living is the ultimate seva’