Pujya Muktanandji (Bapu) is a unique personality and differs greatly from the usual men in saffron robes (sadhus). Bapu is a spiritually realised soul who is a visionary and a dynamic reformer who does not want to preach religion but has chosen to work for the good of humanity.
His compassion for everyone and all living creatures drives everything he does. His mission is not to build temples or places of religious significance but to cater to the needs of the locals at the present moment. He believes and often says that when you have the whole of nature (environment) as your temple then why do you need to build a physical man-made structure that only serves to narrow your thinking? His message is that man’s resources should be used side by side with nature, animals and the rest of humankind to create a world where everyone can live harmoniously.
He is a man with a vision to help the rural communities within which he lives by educating the younger generation to a high level such that they can bring much-needed reform to the area. What was only a dream back in 1996 has now become the beginnings of the reality he envisioned. So far, through his leadership and guidance, four educational centres of excellence have been created in Gujarat which is changing thousands of lives for the better.
Bapu became a saint at a very young age and he lived with his two Gurujis, Pujya Gopalanandji and Pujya Bhagvatinandji from whom he has obtained deep spiritual knowledge. From a very young age he had a quest for the real truth. He would not be satisfied with incomplete answers and was lucky to have Pujya Bhagvatinandji as his guru who had become self-realised after many years of meditation. As it has always been done, this profound wisdom came from within oneself and by observing nature itself. None of these saints had attended university or read books, but they have gained their knowledge through observing nature as it has always been done in the past.
Through deep meditation, Pujya Muktanandji has come to his conclusion of what our purposes in life should be:
He believes, firstly, ‘Swha ma lin rehewu’ which means to be aware of your real self all the time, to understand who you are and to learn to be truly free (Mukti).
Secondly, he believes ‘Jiv Shrusti ne faida thai teva kaariya karva ane karava, nirmal, sahaj ane shakshi bhave’, which means that our purpose in life should be to purely, naturally and selflessly undertake work to benefit all life forms and encourage others to do likewise.
Thirdly, he realised that there is too much suffering in human lives and every person is in search of happiness. After much thought and deliberation, he came up with this practical solution to alleviate suffering:

For thousands, Pujya Muktanandji is more than just a spiritual leader. He is a source of knowledge, utmost compassion and a great inspiration to whoever comes in contact with him.